SexyPlus Clothing Dresses Canada's Original Diva!

Recently Canada's Original Diva, Grammy Award Winner and 3 Time Juno Winner Liberty Silver visited SexyPlus Clothing and was blown away. Here's what she had to say:
"It's official, SexyPlus Clothing is my wardrobe Mecca! Imagine, walking into the store and can’t get past the first mannequin’s outfit, that’s in your size- sophisticated, sexy, chic and seeing yourself wearing it! “Ok, ok, get a hold of yourself” , I said to myself as my eyes darted around the space with every look wanting the next, then the next and ohhhh my gosh that’s so beautiful. I was home and my dream closet SexyPlus Clothing was the front door...
Being in the music business, one of the most important decisions you’ll make for yourself- is that of your image! In everyday life, it is our style, and the expression of who we are. SexyPlus Clothing has you covered in every aspect of life. From beautiful gowns, flowing full roomy dresses, exquisite lingerie to the board room and may I also add the big stage. As I tried to contain my excitement as I saw colours, styles and some of Canada’s top premiere designer fashions for the beautiful plus women that I am.
The bling rings in our sizes, funky kool faux ivory drop necklaces, jazzy shoes, sexy boots and fur collared coats. Oh My! I connected with Stefanie Augusteijns style expertise, fabulous taste and vision for our beautiful shapes and personalities for all of our life’s occasions. I love SexyPlus Clothing and will be wearing it everywhere I go .From TV interviews to the stage. Great clothes make you feel amazing .They fit right, flow right and catch everyone’s attention.
Did I fail to mention the prices are so affordable you won’t leave without a few pieces for you new fab wardrobe? So bring your hard earned cash and get more than just great prices. Come out feeling like a million dollars with style and loving it! Express the wonderful women you are. Your wardrobe awaits you at SexyPlus Clothing, 901 young Street Toronto.
See you there....... Liberty Silver"

Support Liberty Silver's music by visiting her website here, and follow her journey on Facebook here.

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